
Have Questions?
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How often will my house be occupied?

What happens if something in my property is damaged?

As your operator, we see your property as value it better than any other. We vet all our guests and also ensure a Security Deposit is paid from each reservation to cover for all damages that may occur during the guest stay. Your property is in safe hands at all times under our management

What are the advantages of listing my property on short term?

How much is your service fee?

What if my property is unfurnished?


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Free +971-4-546-9191

How Can I reserve a property?

How do I pay?

Vserve is proud to say we have multiple payment methods of payments. These are from all international cards like MasterCard, Visa, Bank transfers, Cash transactions and, yes, Crypto Currency. We welcome most, if not all forms of payment!

How do I check in and check out?

How secure and private are your properties